These Rules serve as our Terms and Conditions. The obligation of enforcing these Rules for the good of all Members is placed primarily in the hands of our
trained staff. Their principal responsibility is to assure you of all the courtesies, comforts, and services to which you, as a Member of the Club, are entitled.
It is furthermore the duty of the Members of the Club to know and comply with these Rules and to cooperate with the staff in complying with them."
"Members are asked to report any violation of the Rules. Members violating these Rules are subject to such action as deemed necessary.
Continued violation of the Rules may lead to suspension and ultimate expulsion.
The Club
The name of the Club shall be
“1880 HK” (“Club”) and the Club is situated at Two Taikoo Place (“Club
1880 Pte Ltd is a private limited company owned by its shareholders.
Members’ Rights and Liabilities
All Members and guests shall
comply with these Rules of the Club and all other regulations promulgated and
amended from time to time which shall constitute a contract between the Owner
and its Members.
The rights and privileges of
a Member shall be person to himself/herself. Except permitted by these Rules,
each Member shall not, by his/her own act or by operation of law:
3.1. Transfer, assign, let,
or otherwise dispose of any of his/her rights and privileges in the Club; or
3.2. Charge or mortgage the
rights and privileges of his/her membership, or solicit or accept any money
or money’s worth or other valuable consideration of any description whereby
the rights of his/her membership may be transferred assigned let or otherwise
disposed of or affected.
3.3. The rights and
privileges of a Member shall be ceased upon his/her ceasing from any cause to
be a Member of the Club or upon his/her death.
3.4. The Club Premises and
all facilities fixtures and fittings are assets of the Owner. A Member shall
not, by reason only of his/her membership, be under any financial liability
to the Club except for payment of his/her subscription, and any other sums
due or levied under these Rules. A Member shall not by reason of his/her
membership have any proprietary rights, interest, benefit, title, or claim
whatsoever to or against or in respect of the Owner, the Club, and/or any
other person or their respective monies, properties, assets, and undertakings
whatsoever whether during the existence of the Club or upon or after its
3.5. All Members shall be
liable for all the acts, omissions, neglects, and defaults (directly or
indirectly) of their goods selves and their guests.
3.6. Members shall not be
entitled to use any of the facilities of the Club or have any rights or
privileges of membership or the right to receive membership cards until they
have complied with all the conditions set out in Clause 5.
3.7. A copy of these Rules
can be found on the club website. The Owner reserves the right to makes
changes to the Rules from time-to time in accordance to the intention of the
4.1. The Owner shall have the
absolute rights, from time to time and without reference to any Members of
the Club, to add or delete such types of membership from the Club as it deems
fit and according to such terms which it deems appropriate, invite a selected
group of individuals or corporations to become Founding Members of the Club.
At present, the Club has the following types of membership:
- Honorary Founding Members
- Founding Members
- Lifetime Members
- Overseas Members
- Under 30 Members (Which shall collectively be
referred to as “Member”)
- Honorary Founding Members
The Owner may, at any
appropriate time and at the sole discretion of its board of directors, invite
any distinguished individual to be an Honorary Member.
Founding Members
Founding Members were the
people who believed in the vision of the Club even before the place was
built. They were the first members of the Club.
Lifetime Members
A Lifetime Member shall be
any Member who shall have acquired a Life Membership of the Club as an
individual or as a couple.
All Individual or Couple
Members shall be over 18 years of age.
A person becomes a Life
Member on receiving approval by the Membership Team and on payment to the
Club of all amounts due from them comprising their joining fee (if any) and
their annual or monthly subscription fee within an agreed period specified by
the Membership Team. If any such amount is not paid within the period
prescribed, their election shall lapse.
To qualify for a Couple
Membership, proof of address that the couple is cohabiting is required.
Overseas Members
An Overseas Member is any
person who is a non-resident in Singapore. An Overseas Member shall have the
same rights, privileges and obligations as a Life Member but are granted 20
days access per year.
To qualify for an Overseas
Membership, evidence of non-residency status will have to be provided.
Under 30 Members
An Under 30 Member is any
person who is under 30 years old at the time of acceptance. A copy of his/her
passport, birth certificate, or driver’s licence must be included in all
applications. Under 30 Members shall have the same rights, privileges and obligations
as a Life Member.
Application and Admission of
5.1. The decision of the
Owner whether or not to approve any application shall be final and shall not
be opened to question by any Member. The Owner shall not be required to give
any reason for any such decision.
5.2. The persons invited to
join as Member shall submit the following to the Membership team:
A completed and signed copy
of the Membership application form
A completed credit card
authorisation form for a valid credit card
Authorisation for payment of
the appropriate joining fee and for annual or monthly subscription applicable
to his/her type of membership of the Club.
5.3. Such forms and payment
must be duly completed by the applicant and received by the Owner before the
application will be processed. Upon receipt by the Owner of all such payment,
such candidate will effectively become a Member of the Club and is bound by
these club Rules.
5.4. Any applicant approved
for membership shall be notified in writing and a membership card shall be
created for collection at the club or in the case of Overseas members,
forwarded to him/her.
5.5. Following the joining
fee and initial subscription, subsequent monthly subscriptions will be
directly debited from his/her bank account, or company account in the case of
Corporate Member, as authorized in accordance with such application.
5.6. The Owner shall have the
rights at its discretion to amend, add to, or waive any of the conditions for
application of membership as it considers appropriate or to refuse any
request for any such amendment, addition, or waiver of any of the conditions
for application and it shall not be required to give any reason thereof.
Fees and Subscription
6.1 All
Members must at all times retain on file a valid authorised Credit or Debit
Card, or a Giro arrangement, as authorised and in accordance with such
information provided by the Members on their application forms, in order that
Subscription fees & Statements of Account may be charged by the Club in a
timely manner. Members are required to update the Finance Team of any changes to
such information from time to time.
6.2. Joining fees shall be
payable by Members prior to admission to membership. Such joining fees shall
in no events be refundable. The owner shall have the rights to increase
membership fees or subscriptions at any point in time and will give members
prior warning of membership fee increases before charging. Joining fees may
be paid by credit card, giro arrangement, bank transfer or PayNow.
6.3. Each Member shall during
the duration of his/her membership pay the relevant subscription fee
corresponding to its type of membership at such rate from time to time
determined by the Owner.
6.4. All subscription fees
are payable in advance only by means of the credit card or by bank giro
arrangement. The authorised payment method will be automatically charged on
the 21st of the month prior to which the fees apply.
6.5. Apart from the
subscription fee, each Member has to be responsible for payment of all
consumption of food and beverages, special events or any other chargeable
services or fees, by themselves, or their guests, or nominees of Corporate
Members at the Club.
6.6 Admin fees may be applicable for late payments.
Membership Card
7.1. If a Member’s membership card is lost, stolen, or defaced, the Member may apply to the Owner for a replacement. The Owner may, according to these Rules, issue a replacement membership card if requested and an administration fee of $5 fee will be added to the members house account.
7.2. The membership card remains the property of the Owner and shall not be circulated to non-members, transferred or assigned. Upon becoming a Member, each Member shall undertake that he will not use his/her membership card for solicitation of money, guarantee, or mortgage.
Member House Accounts
8.1. Members may if they wish open a House Account, which extends credit to the Member during a Calendar month, meaning they do not need to pay at point of sale for most in-Club spending. Members are not required to have a House Account.
8.2 All in-Club spending, such as Food & Beverage, Spa, Gym and most Events fees will be included in each Members Statement of Account (SOA) for each calendar month, which is payable in arrears. The SOA will be delivered via email to the address nominated on the Membership Application form within the first 2 working days of the following Calendar month.
8.3 The SOA is also payable only by means of the credit card or by bank giro arrangement noted above SOA’s will be charged automatically between the 5th and the 7th of the month following that in which the charges are incurred. 1880 reserves the right to charge the authorised payment method at any other time during the month, for settlement of outstanding bills, or if the Members House Account spending exceeds $2,000.
8.4 In some cases Special Events fees may be chargeable prior to, or at the time of, the Event. All such charges will be highlighted to Members when making reservations for such events.
8.5. If the amount outstanding is not settled within 7 days of the statement date, 1880 will send a reminder to such Member, with a request for immediate payment.
8.6. If a Member fails to settle his/her account in full within 30 days from the statement date, 1880 reserves the right to suspend the member’s house account to avoid further accumulation of outstanding balance on the account. The member will be informed of such suspension and the House Account will be reinstated as soon as payment for the outstanding amount is received.
8.7. If a Member still fails to settle his/her account in full within 60 days from the statement date: A Letter of Demand will be sent requesting a full settlement to be made within 7 days from the date of this notice. If not received, 1880 will proceed to instruct our debt collection agency and lawyers to procure settlement of outstanding amounts. This enforced collection of unsatisfied obligations may result in additional legal or court costs being charged to the Member, and may result in impairment of credit ratings. The Member concerned may be deemed as having defaulted and 1880 may suspend the rights and privileges of such Member (including but not limited to the use of the facilities of the Club) and the Member may not be allowed to enter the Club Premises until such time as when the outstanding amount has been fully settled and membership reinstated.
8.8. If such Member fails to settle its account in full within 90 days from the date of statement 1880 reserves the rights to terminate the membership of such Member. Any expulsion and termination shall be without prejudice to the right of 1880 to claim all outstanding amounts and all interest accrued thereon from the Member.
8.9. Receipts of payment shall not be issued unless specifically requested. Management reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for late payments up to the higher of 3% per month on the outstanding amount or a $25 reinstatement fee.
Transfer or Change of Nominees of Membership
9.1. Only Corporate Memberships are transferable
The Corporate Membership can be transferred to another employee from the same company up to a maximum of 1 transfer per year. Each company can purchase a maximum of 10 corporate memberships. For the avoidance of doubt, all other types of membership are not transferable including those who have joined on a Group Membership & individuals wanting to transfer to their partner/spouse.
9.2. A Corporate Member who wishes to transfer the membership of one of its nominees shall do so subject to the following conditions and procedures: A Corporate Member shall apply in writing to the Membership Team to transfer one of their membership to a new nominee. The proposed nominee must be from the same company as the person he/she is proposed to replace. On receipt of such notice, the Club will review and inform the Corporate Member if the application has been approved. The Owner reserves the right and discretion for approving or rejecting such transfer without the need to provide any reason. iii. In the event that such application is not approved, the Corporate Member shall be permitted to submit a new nominee who is also an employee at the same company as the Corporate Member.
Expulsion and Suspension of Membership
10.1. If in the opinion of the Owner, any Member or any Guest for whom the Member is responsible, has committed a breach of any of these Rules; or any Member is found to be guilty of any conduct or behaviour or any act which renders him/her unfit for membership of the club or is detrimental to the interests, character, or reputation of the Club, the Owner may at a time which it deems appropriate (i) expel such Member from the Club at such time, the Member will immediately cease to be a Member thereof; and/or (ii) suspend the Member from membership and/or from all rights and privileges of membership of the Club (including but not limited to the use of all facilities of the Club) and/or disallow him/her or its nominee from being present at the Club Premises for such period as the Owner sees fit. 10.2. Before exercising such expulsion and suspension, the Owner will seek to clarify and may give notice in writing or orally to the Member concerned and may invite him to make representations either orally or in writing in respect of the matter of the complaint. The Owner may thereafter consider any such representations received and may proceed to consider the matter under Clause 10.1 above.
10.3. If a membership is suspended, neither the Member nor the nominated individual shall be permitted, for the duration of the suspension, to use the facilities of the Club, or exercise any other rights of membership, but shall continue to be liable for all subscription fee and all other sums due and payable by such Member to the Club.
10.4 If a membership is terminated by the Club for any reason, then all Joining Fees, and Subscription Fees are considered non-refundable, including the subscription fees for the month in which Termination occurs. In addition, Termination of a membership does not absolve the Member of the responsibility to settle the SOA as noted above in Clause 8.
10.5. Any Member who shall be found to be convicted of an indictable offence or be adjudged bankrupt, or who compounds with his/her creditors under the provisions of any Ordinance relating to bankruptcy, shall, ipso facto, cease to be a Member of the Club, and the Owner shall forfeit all rights to the use of, or claim upon, any property in the Club; but it shall be lawful for the Owner, on the written application of such Member, any inquiry, to restore his/her name to the list of Members of the Club upon such terms as the Owner may in its sole and absolute discretion think fit.
Resignation of Membership
11.1. A member may resign their membership at any time by notice in writing to the Owner. Such notice will take effect at the time which the notice is received, or when all sums due by such Member to the Club has been paid in full (whichever the later). For this purpose, Members who resign on or after the 15th of any month shall be liable for that month’s full subscription. For the avoidance of doubt, the membership joining fee or annual subscription shall not be refundable on resignation.
Liability on Termination of Membership
12.1. Any Member who shall for any reason whatsoever ceases to be a Member of the Club shall nevertheless remain liable for and shall pay the Owner, all outstanding balances arising from expenses and subscriptions, which at the time of his/her ceasing to be a Member is owing from him/her to the Club. If the amounts are not settled, the Owner has the right to charge interest on the outstanding amounts at a rate of 3% per month from the date of non-payment to the actual date of payment, without prejudice to all other rights the Owner hereunder.
12.2. A Member may terminate membership with written notification to the Membership Team. The termination would be deemed to be effective on the last day of the month in which the notice was received.
12.3. After cessation of membership, such Member (including but not limited to the nominees of Corporate Members) upon such termination surrender to the Owner all membership card(s) and any other relevant documents relating to the Club and all rights to or claims on the Club, if any, shall deemed to be forfeited or waived.
Exclusion of Liability
13.1. The Club, the Owner, their management, staff, agents, or representative shall not be liable or responsible whatsoever for any inconveniences, damages, financial loss, death, injury to person or property of any Member or guests or any persons howsoever causes whether arising from a breach of contract or in tort or otherwise, whether in relation to the use of the facilities or participation in any activities of the Club or otherwise.
13.2. All Members, guests, and any other persons shall enter the Club Premises or use the facilities of equipment of the Club at their own risks and such Member shall indemnify the Club, the Owner, their management, staff, agents, or representative on a full indemnity basis against all claims, actions, demands, proceedings, impositions, financial losses, damages, expenses, disbursements, liability and suffered or incurred.
The Owner has the right at any time, without reference to any member:
14.1. To amend, cancel, or add to any of the terms of these Terms & Conditions/Rules.
14.2. To formulate any other regulations relating to the affairs relevant to these Rules and other affairs relevant to the Club.
No condoning excusing or overlooking by the Owner of any default breach or non-observance or non-compliance by the Member shall operate as a waiver of the Owner’s rights hereunder.
Force Majeure
Upon the occurrence of an event of force majeure, which shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the Owner, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any incident of war, civil commotion, governmental or administrative action, governmental acquisition, strike, lockout, flood, drought, famine, natural disaster, or act of God, which shall persist for a period of six consecutive months and results in the whole or any part of the Club Premises or Club facilities being made substantially unusable for the purposes of the Club or render the use of the Club Premises or Club facilities substantially impossible or unlawful, the membership of all Members shall thereon be terminated whereupon the rights of all Members and nominated individuals and all other persons under these Rules or by virtue of any such membership shall lapse and no such Member or nominated individual or other person shall have any claim against the Owner or the Club in respect thereof.
Cessation of Operations
If the Owner shall for whatever reasons determine to cease the operation of the Club, the Owner shall issue a notice in writing to each Member prior to the date of cessation. All membership shall then be terminated and all Members shall not be entitled to claim or demand against the Owner or the Club in whatever nature in relation to such cessation.
Any question as to the interpretation of these Rules or any other matter connected with the Club shall be determined by the Owner whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
Binding Effect of Rules
19.1. Every member shall be bound by these rules.
19.2. The Owner shall notify every newly elected member of the existence of these rules then in force; and copies of the rules in force or the time being shall be available at all times on the website.
Conduct of Members
20.1. Every member of the Club shall, subject to these rules for the time being in force, be entitled to use and enjoy (in common with the other members of the Club) the Club premises and the facilities therein provided for the use of the Member, but shall not by reason of their membership be under any financial liability other than for the payment of their joining fee and annual/monthly subscription, and for the consumption of goods and services.
20.2. A member shall not: a) Use the Club for the purposes of any trade or in a manner prejudicial to the Owner’s interest; or b) Conduct themselves in a manner likely to cause discomfort, inconvenience or annoyance to other members, or behave in such a manner as to bring the Club into disrepute.
20.3. A member shall at all times be responsible for the conduct of their Guests in the Club and must ensure both they and their guests leave the premises quietly without disturbance to close neighbours and settle all sums due prior to departure, unless they have a payment method on file.
20.4 A member shall be responsible for their guests with regards to unpaid bills
Any unpaid guest bills (f&b, spa, gym or events in the Club) will if not paid on the same day go on the members house account.
Members Addresses & Notices
21.1. Every member shall promptly inform the Owner of any change of home or business address or of their bank details, directly in writing by email.
21.2. Any notice document or communication sent to a member under these rules shall be deemed to be properly given if sent by post or otherwise to their address last notified to the Owner, and if sent by post, it shall be deemed to be issued when posted.
Members Property
22.1. Property entrusted by a member or their guest/guests to a member of Club staff for safe custody or for any other purpose, or left on the Club’s premises, shall be at the member’s own risk. The Owner shall not be liable for any loss of, or damage to, such property or for any consequential loss or damage of any description.
Club Staff
23.1. All Members should treat all members of staff with the same respect accorded to Members.
23.2. A Member may not at any time solicit the employment of any staff of the Club.
24.1. All complaints shall be made in writing to the Owner.
24.2. A member shall not personally reprimand a member of Club staff.
Reciprocal Arrangements The Owner may enter into reciprocal arrangements with other Clubs on such terms as it shall decide from time to time and any such arrangements may be terminated or modified by the Owner at any time. Such arrangements (if any) will be communicated to members.
Drugs & Illegal Substances
26.1. Non-prescription drugs are not permitted on the premises at any time. The consumption of illegal substances by whatever means is strictly prohibited and any member or guest of member found in possession of such substances will be ejected and reported to the police.
26.2. Any member found guilty of consuming or bringing illegal substances onto the premises, or whose guest is found guilty of such acts, will have their membership terminated with immediate effect.
Guest Policy
27.1. Members may entertain a maximum of three (3) guests on any visit unless a private party or table reservation has been confirmed or a greater number of guests has been previously agreed with the manager on duty. Each guest, regardless of how many members they know, can be signed in to the club a maximum of ten (10) times per year.
27.2. Each Guest must be registered and signed in by the host member. Prior notice of guest names and numbers must be provided to the Reception Team.
27.3. Guests who arrive at the Club in advance of their host member may be asked to wait in the Reception Area until the member arrives to sign them in.
Interpretation The Owner shall be the sole authority as to the interpretation of the Rules of the Club.
Governing Law These Rules shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.